| Applicant System



2024/2025  -  (Spring)

SUT Financial Aid
Academic Year : 2024/2025
Applicant Name :
First Name : Middle Name :
Last Name :
Applicant ID Submission Date
Nationality : Second Nationality :
Home Address :
Phone Number : Mobile No. :
Email :
Graduation Date : :
School Degree : Cumulative GPA / Score :

Year of admission at
Have you applied for financial aid before ? *

Legal guardian data
Name * Relation *
Nationality * Job Title(if Any)
Mobile No. * Email *
Work *
Marital Status *
National ID *

Nationality Job Title(if Any)
Mobile No. Email
Marital Status
National ID

Student & Family income / expenses *

Family`s financial plan to cover tuition fees during the student`s program of study at SUT (in case of partial payment):

Student Family Information (please list all dependents in your household) *
Number Of Family Members

Student and Family Assets (please provide all figures in Egyptian pounds)

Investments (please provide all figures in Egyptian pounds)

Cars Owned (please provide all figures in Egyptian pounds)

Reasons for applying for financial Aid *

Institutional Financial Aid Guidelines

SUT offers institutional financial aid awards in the form of grants to students who face financial difficulties in paying the entire tuition fees.


To apply for the institutional financial aid program, undergraduate students must meet the following requirements:

    • Be enrolled or accepted in SUT.
    • Demonstrate financial need by submitting a financial aid application form.


Undergraduate students receive grants in the form of fixed amounts to fully/partially reduce tuition fees. These amounts will most likely remain constant throughout the course of study at SUT (unless otherwise notified) as long as the student remains eligible for financial aid.


SUT Undergraduate students who were granted financial aid do not have to renew their applications as long as they maintain their eligibility. They should only reapply if they received temporary financial aid awards and wish to renew their awards.


For information on application deadlines, visit www…………………. Requests received after the deadlines and incomplete application forms will be ignored.

Student Checklist (Please attach all applicable documents if any)

Certification and Authorization

We the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that the information we have provided to SUT University on the financial aid form and/or all supporting documents is true, correct and complete.

I also consent that my picture may be taken and used for any purpose deemed necessary to promote this financial aid program.

We understand that providing incorrect information and omitting or failing to disclose important facts will lead to disciplinary action, which may result in expulsion from the university, as well as the repayment of any amounts of money received as financial aid.

We hereby undertake to report to the university any changes in the family’s income or in the information submitted and shall provide, upon request, any additional information and/ or documentation requested by SUT University.

We understand and agree that the university has the right to reject without a prior notice, any application that is not complete by the deadline. Submitted materials and documents are the property of SUT University.

In order to ensure the accuracy, od said information, we hereby grant the University permission to obtain and review, as needed, all academic & financial records and to contact all individuals who provide references in support of this application to SUT University.